Adopt the Lighted Trees or Wreaths and Support
Christmas In Ephrata
Main Street looks particularly beautiful during the holiday season with holiday wreaths and trees lighting up our downtown. Never has it been so important to find alternate ways to stay connected to each other and to your community. That is why we are
asking for Ephrata residents to help us make our "Adopt a Lighted Tree or Wreath" program even bigger and better. This program is
a way for everyone – businesses and individuals – to be visible in their community. Show up in Ephrata and order your
personalized tags and adopt a lighted wreath or tree today and help support Christmas In Ephrata.
asking for Ephrata residents to help us make our "Adopt a Lighted Tree or Wreath" program even bigger and better. This program is
a way for everyone – businesses and individuals – to be visible in their community. Show up in Ephrata and order your
personalized tags and adopt a lighted wreath or tree today and help support Christmas In Ephrata.